
der.hans PLUGd@LuftHans.com
Tue, 1 Feb 2000 17:28:17 -0700 (MST)

On Tue, 1 Feb 2000 sinck@corp.quepasa.com wrote:

> \_ >Priveleges?
> \_ Root
> Hmm; is the drive still mounted ro when you try this?

Shouldn't matter should it?

> \_ >/dev/hda2 is your linux root drive?
> \_ actually it's /dev/hda7 which i modified the command for
> \_ 
> \_ >/dev/hda2 is a partition?
> \_ yes, it's my / partition
> So, just to confirm, you're issuing
> dd if=/dev/hda7 of=/linuxboot.lnx bs=512 count=1

Is the info in the mbr? You can probably get what you need via lilo. I had
to backup the boot sector via lilo at some point a couple of years ago.

       -s save-file
              When lilo overwrites the boot sector, it  preserves
              the   old   contents   in   a   file,   by  default
              /boot/boot.NNNN where NNNN depends on  the  device.
              This  option  specifies  an alternate save file for
              the boot sector. (Or, together with the -u  option,
              specifies from where to restore the boot sector.)

It seems to me that there was a backup flag as well, but I don't see what
I remember.


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