[Plug-discuss] anonymous ftp server setup - yikes!

Rusty Carruth rustyc@inficad.com
Mon, 31 Jan 2000 16:02:13 -0700

Help I've fallen and can't get up!

Oh, wait, wrong commercial.

Heere's the deal - I'm trying to set up an anonymous ftp server for internal
use that allows anon to WRITE files.

I've hacked with /etc/ftpaccess till I'm blue in the fingers (or was that
face?), and all I can get is 'denied (Upload)'.

I do NOT want to create a 'real' user, because then people could actually
log in....

So, why cannot I get either anonymous to be able to upload, or a guest
user that you 'site group guest' into that can upload?

Anybody have any ideas?


Red hat 6.1, basically unhacked (so far! ;-) install....
