First Tuesday- Launching Feb 6th, 2001.

Sat, 16 Dec 2000 21:47:01 -0700 (MST)

Am 15. Dec, 2094 schwäzte Tom Jones so:

> Does anyone think it would be an overreaction to phone Wavetech and complain
> about this guy spamming the list?

I think he's either mistakenly added the mailing list out of his
addressbook or thought members of PLUG would be interested. While he'd be
right if the latter were true, this isn't really the place to tell us :).

If he doesn't respond to the thread on list and we get more mail, then we
could (nicely, at first) ask him to not continue posting First Tuesday 
info to the PLUG list.

> TJ - Paranoid that spammonkeys are everywhere.

Ah, a good paranoia to have :).


#  When I work, I work hard. When I play, I play hard.
#  When I sit, I sleep. - Embe Kugler