What does core mean?

Nathan Saper natedog@well.com
Sat, 16 Dec 2000 11:56:36 -0700

On Sat, Dec 16, 2000 at 11:17:08AM -0700, Mark Phillips wrote:
> I am running linux 6.1 and on my gnome desktop I see a yellow ball with a
> burning fuse and a sad face with a label underneath that says core. What
> does this mean and what do I do about it?

It's a core dump.  Unless you're a developer, delete it.

> Thanks
> Mark

[ "What? A great man? I always see only the actor of his own ideal." - FN ]
[ Nathan Saper (natedog@well.com)       http://www.well.com/user/natedog/ ]
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