File Splitting

Don Harrop Don Harrop <>
Wed, 6 Dec 2000 10:44:58 -0700 (MST)

I just did.. We're clean. ;-)


On Tue, 5 Dec 2000 wrote:

> \_ cat linuxiso* >> linuxrocks.iso is what I ment to type.  I even ran it on
> \_ that same BSD iso again just to make sure it works.  I mounted the newly
> \_ created iso (from the split images) with the -o loop option and I can see
> \_ everything just fine so I'm assuming everything is still entact.
> That's not necessarily a rigorous test, but it's comforting all the
> same.  :-)
> Try md5sum on the new file and see if it comes up with the same thing
> as running md5sum on the old file.
> That'll also help you verify that the 100M pieces went across clean
> too should the final md5sum not match.
> David
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