How do I know if I'm in the /bin/sh environment?

Sat, 19 Aug 2000 16:50:00 -0700

At the command prompt type:

and there you are :)

JLF Sends...
They say, "Madness takes its toll." Please have exact change...

It seems like on Sat, Aug 19, 2000 at 03:17:52PM -0700, Mark Berkwitt scribbled:
Orig Msg> The installation instructions for Corel WordPerfect state:
Orig Msg>     The Runme script must operate in the /bin/sh environment.
Orig Msg> 
Orig Msg> How do I know what environment I'm in?
Orig Msg> 
Orig Msg> thanks,
Orig Msg> Mark
Orig Msg> 
Orig Msg>