question for any C++ progammers

David Sinck
Wed, 16 Aug 2000 07:46:13 -0700 (MST)

\_ Ok, this is frustrating...
\_ yesterday when I compiled some stuff I wrote in C++, I was able to run the 
\_ executable by typing exp1.o at the command prompt...  Today, I tried it 
\_ again and got the following output:
\_ []$ cd ~/C++assignments
\_ [C++assignments]$ g++ Assn2.cpp -oexp1.o

Hum.  Always thought there had to be a space between -o and it's

It could be as simple as not having '.' in your path.

Make sure it's executable, then try './exp1.o' and see if that fires.

\_ [C++assignments]$ dir
\_ Assn2.cpp      Currency2-1.o	     Currencycalc2-2.cpp   Currencycalc3.cpp
\_ Assn2.cpp~     Currency2-2.o	     Currencycalc2-2.cpp~  exp1.o
\_ Currency1.cpp  Currencycalc2-1.cpp   Currencycalc2.cpp
\_ Currency1.o    Currencycalc2-1.cpp~  Currencycalc2.cpp~
\_ [C++assignments]$ exp1.o
\_ bash: exp1.o: command not found
\_ [C++assignments]$

If that doesn't work, try running 'file' on exp1.o and see what it
