[azipa] LINUX Software Engineering Opportunities (fwd)

der.hans PLUGd@LuftHans.com
Mon, 14 Aug 2000 17:02:32 -0700 (MST)

moin, moin,

anyone wanna work on East LA? :)

Clusters, ooh :).


#  der.hans@LuftHans.com   home.pages.de/~lufthans/   www.Opnix.com
#  Like the maid, I don't do (M$)Windows. - der.hans

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 15:44:03 -0000
From: James Prevallet <jprevallet@optisys.com>
To: azipa@egroups.com
Subject: [azipa] LINUX Software Engineering Opportunities

Linux Software Engineers

OPTISYS, Inc., the definitive pioneer in network attached
storage products, is adding a high-availability cluster server
model to its NAS product line. We have immediate openings for 
Software Engineers to contribute on our latest product, 
the High-Availability Expanse NAS.  ( see http://www.optisys.com )

If you are interested in working in a fast paced, casual team 
environment on the latest high technology, multi-processor 
LINUX custer servers, contact me immediately for consideration.

Qualified candidates must be proficient in:
  C language programming
  PERL language programming
  SNMP knowledge
  Cluster server architecture
  BSCS or BSEE degree

Best of,

James Prevallet
VP Development
Optisys, Inc.
9250 N. 43rd Avenue, Suite 12
Glendale, AZ 85302
(602) 997-9699
FAX (602) 944-4051

"Only those who risk going too far
can possibly find out how far one can go."
                                        --T. S. Eliot

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