Is it safe to install and use RH networking utilities on a Slackware system?

Rick Rosinski
Thu, 27 Apr 2000 20:03:36 -0700

Is it safe to install and use RH networking utilities on a Slackware system?
I plan on building a LAN and connect it to the web, and I have seen screenshots
of the RH netconfig (whatever it is called), and I like how many things can be
configured by that.  I am worried about whether or not the actual
network configuration files (/etc/hosts.conf, /etc/rc.d/inet1.d, etc) are not
compatible between Slackware and Redhat systems (and whether or not they are
stored elsewhere on the system).  If all is good, and I can install it, would
it be safe to convert the RPM's into TGZ files and install them manually (I
don't want to bother with an RPM database and package manager).  This would be
cool to play with.  Please let me know.  Thanks in advance.

Rick Rosinski