April meeting topic

Trent Shipley plug-devel@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Sat Mar 19 12:21:02 2005


Do we have a presenter or topic for 7 April?

It would be nice to compliment Joseph's presentation on J2EE with 
presentations on other enterprise frameworks.

Namely GNUe (Python) and Mono (VB.net and C#).


Hijacking the meeting for EPP/PEP discussion/debate/fight is also a real 

(Note to self, EPP alternatives include a ticketing and reservation project 
Arenas and promoters HATE Ticketmaster and tickets.com.  DIY ticket solutions 
exist, but are not satisfactory.  What they would like is competition and 
national scope.  A free n-tier ticket and reservation system might spark 
competion.  A participatory peer-to-peer [or co-op] market with enforcible 
regulatory controls [provision for fraud prevention] might be perfect.)