Swap usage discussion

Ted Gould plug-devel@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Thu Jun 17 23:50:03 2004

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On Thu, 2004-06-17 at 08:22, Alan Dayley wrote:
> To my questions:
> - What experience and "rules of thumb" are there that would answer this
> question?
> - What tools such as "top" and "free" can be used to analize memory, and
> particularly, swap usage?
> - Are there any other tips and pointers that can be provided to help my
> quest?

I don't really have any answers, but I'll throw in another variable.=20
That would be, how active are the processes?  Because, if something gets
swapped out, but never gets swapped back in, it will use the space
allocated indefinitely.  In my experience as a user, it seems that Linux
never swaps things back in even if the RAM frees up.  It only gets
swapped back in when it is used.  But, that is just my impressions as a


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