
Michael Wittman
Tue Apr 22 20:52:02 2003

On Tue, Apr 22, 2003 at 05:27:27PM -0600, Phil Winninghoff wrote:
> I am trying to go through an OpenGL tutorial I found on the web The first example is a Hello World program that has a #include<gltk.h> in the header. I have tried to install Mesa and GLUT but that include file never gets put into the /usr/include directory. In fact I can find it nowhere on my Progeny/debian distribution and searching the web has not helped. I expect there must be a copy of it somewhere. Can anyone give me a suggestion of where to look?

I addition to the other suggestions, also check out Nate Robins' OpenGL

You'll want to grab this Makefile to build on Linux:
