unexpected in expect

der.hans plug-devel@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Wed Oct 3 11:29:01 2001

moin, moin,

working with someone else's expect script ( I know very little about expect
) and running into something that doesn't seem to make sense.

I have the main script that calls functions from another script.


I've added 'send_log "starting funcx"' in front of every func, with funcx
being the appropriate func name.

At the end of one func, say func2, I have:

send -s "echo 'got fred?'\n"
sleep 2

I'm logged into a remote machine at that point.

I've been getting notice of starting the func3 after that as well as a log
message from within func3 prior to seeing the "echo 'got fred?'" and the
resultant "got fred?".

The whole thing is dying right after that. Sometimes even before the "echo
'got fred?'" shows up. Just seems weird that stuff from func3 shows up
before func2 is done. Is it just because I'm not waiting for anything?


# der.hans@LuftHans.com home.pages.de/~lufthans/ www.DevelopOnline.com
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