PLUG Meeting for September 14th

We'll have 2 presentations this month:

"Intermediate shell scripting: getting more bash for your $"
and "SSH and the shell-go forth securely"

both from der.hans

For more info, Meeting time and location see:

der.hans: Intermediate shell scripting: getting more bash for your $

Want to take your shell scripting to the next level? Interested in adding string manipulation and arrays to your arsenal? In shell math?

Shell still has the best system integration for stringing together our favorite command line tools such as ls, grep and sed. Better yet is doing some of that work in the shell without reaching for a forked program, especially inside loops. This presentation will cover intermediate scripting techniques and useful command line tips.

After attending this session, audience members will understand string operators, in shell math, indexed arrays and associative arrays. They will also be familiar with regular expressions, globbing and differences between the two. Finally, attendees will be familiar with useful builtin variables.

der.hans: SSH and the shell-go forth securely

SSH is the go to tool for sysadmins and developers for interactive connections to remote machines. It creates secure, encrypted connections between computers, even across hostile networks. Unless you accept keys without verification (DON'T DO THAT!!!).

SSH can also create tunnels for encapsulating other connections, including other protocols and data. Sysadmins can bridge protocols across networks for ease of access such as a one-off data sync. Devs can present the dev database on their desktop to ease use of graphical development tools.

After attending this session, audience members will be able to create a local tunnel from client to server, a remote tunnel from server to client, and do simple analysis of local vs remote evaluation of a command. Attendees will be able to use tunnels for SSH or sample other protocols (MySQL and HTTP), and tunneling via a third party system. They will also be familiar with dynamic SOCKS proxies and using SSH to tunnel graphical applications. Finally, attendees will also learn SSH configuration and command line tips for convenience of use, including using forced command to restrict an SSH key to one purpose.

der.hans is a technology and entrepreneurial veteran. Roles have included director of engineering, engineering manager, IS manager, system administrator, community college instructor, developer and DBA.

In his free time, der.hans endeavors to help build community through user group and conference leadership. He is chairman of the Phoenix Linux User Group (PLUG), BoF organizer for the Southern California Linux Expo (SCaLE) and founder of the Free Software Stammtisch.

He presents regularly at large community-led conferences (SCaLE, SeaGL, LFNW) and many local groups.

The meeting will start at 7pm at The Desert Breeze Substation.  People start arriving as early as 6pm, so if you would like to help setup and/or chat for a while, arrive a little early.
Meeting Location:
Desert Breeze Substation
251 North Desert Breeze Blvd West
Chandler, AZ 85226

The Desert Breeze Substation is on Chandler Blvd and Desert Breeze Blvd, which is half way between McClintock and Rural.  It is very close to both the south 202 and 101 freeways.  Public transportation is
available into the late hours.

For more information see the meeting information on our web site

Contact PLUG:

We will go for food to BJs at the Chandler Fashion Center Mall after the meeting so we can chat with each other comfortably. Please feel free to join us. Please come even if you aren't hungry, the food is not mandatory.

See you there,
Brian Cluff