I use a DNS benchmarking tool from Gibson Research to set my DNS. It is a windows app but it does run well under wine and be sure to include DNSSEC for the teting.


On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 6:25 PM, Stephen Partington <cryptworks@gmail.com> wrote:
Dreamhost has taken a pretty tight stance on customer privacy. they may be worth looking at.

On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 3:18 PM, AZ Pete <plug@sonoranzen.com> wrote:

Hi All,

Generally, I'm unable to make the Plug meetings due to scheduling conflicts, so I've been watching the videos of the meetings. Thanks for posting them!

I recently watched the security video with Aaron where he discussed VPNs, Tor and other security topics. With the advent of ISPs being able to now sell my browsing information, I'd like to move away from using Cox as my DNS provider.

What is a good alternative DNS provider that doesn't sell (snoop!) my browsing data?

And I'm not interested in using Google's DNS. I've moved away from Google due to their invasive practices (scanning emails, etc).

Any thoughts would be appreciated.



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