Trent, Is anybody looking for an entry-level contributor to an opensource project? > > One way to get your feet wet in any open source project is to help with the documentation. Download the code, and then go through the documentation to see if it does what it is supposed to do. Are there new features that work and no one documented them? Look at the projects road map to see what the code is supposed to do. Trace through the code as it executes, read the comments, and see if there are missing features. Add comments to the code base as needed. Talk to the developers on IIRC or whatever channel they use to get help and guidance. Another way to get your feet wet is to fix bugs. Pick small ones, trace through the code, and see if you can make the changes necessary to fix the bug. Same comments as above - talk to the developers/community for this project. You will quickly learn if you enjoy this aspect of development. Read about testing code and how to make unit tests. Add some tests to the code base. Let the community know you are here to help and learn at the same time. Both of these steps will require learning about lots of useful skills - debugging, documenting, how the project works, making commits, working with developers from afar. If you find the developers of this project are not 1000% supportive of your efforts, then find another project. The good projects need folks to do these tasks, and they are a great way to introduce yourself to the community, help the project, and make a name for yourself. If that community does not value these tasks, then look for another one that does. There are many out there who will. Just my 2 cents. Mark