Happy New Year to everyone!! I have been using KeePass2 on my Ubuntu machine for over 10 years (through wine), and I just discovered KeePassX as a native application. I use Keepass2 primarily as a password backup, as I also use LastPass with the chrome extension for my day to day password manager. I have a couple of questions about moving from KeePass2/wine to KeePassX. I found in one post that the differences that the database files are binary compatible. ( https://superuser.com/questions/878902/whats-the-difference-between-keepass-and-keepassx). Can anyone confirm this? The only other difference (other that GUI related stuff) is that KeePass2 has plugins and KeePassX does not. I am not using any plugins now. Are there any that you think are really valuable to have, and would be a reason not to switch? Should I switch to KeePassX? I am assuming I can get rid of wine and save some disk space, and run a native application instead of a wine application. Thanks! Mark