I am upgrading my ASUS RT-N16 router, and I am not sure what firmware to use. The dd-wrt wiki has two suggestions - Mini and Mega. https://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Asus_RT-N16 I currently have Kong. I know the router has limited NVRAM (32 MB), so I am not sure which version to use for the upgrade. I can see from this table ( https://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/What_is_DD-WRT%3F#File_Versions) that Mega has everything and the kitchen sink included. Not sure I need all that. Mini seem sparse. At this point, I only use the device as a router for my home LAN and a wireless access point. Perhaps there are feature in Mega I should be using? Looking for advice from anyone who has recently upgraded dd-wrt on an Asus RT-n16 or similar device! Thanks! Mark