Am 23. Dec, 2004 schwätzte Miles Beck so: > I noticed a lot of hits on my web server and read up on it at this site > and was wondering if this is accurate. And how would I make the log > files not public as they suggest? > > Here is the link to the website that explains what this company is doing. > > > > Would I do this by changing the permissions on the log directory? That would be a bad idea. Lots of things need access to the log dir and some of the log files. I suppose it might be OK to get rid of the x on group and other, but that doesn't get you much. By default apache is configged to not make the log files available to the public. See the Location directive for what, outside the normal web tree, is available. I suppose some blog or other project might maintain logs on its own and make those available. Check the projects you use for info on that. Do your web logs show lots of activity from that company? Maybe you could post a snippet of your logs, so we can see what's coming across. ciao, der.hans -- # # "But you could teach these skills to a high-school student, and you could # probably teach them to an artist." -- Richard Roberts --------------------------------------------------- PLUG-discuss mailing list - To subscribe, unsubscribe, or to change you mail settings: